startup meetup | WRAL TechWire

startup meetup

How Deals Got Done at the March ExitEvent Startup Social

Monday night was the 29th(!) ExitEvent Startup Social, and by 5:45 p.m. on what turned out to be an fantastic evening, weather-wise, entrepreneurs and investors started trickling in to FullSteam brewery in downtown Durham. A few were already there. For example, Craig Stone from Triangle Angel Partners had even taken the liberty of scheduling a couple meetings at FullSteam beforehand, and was chatting with Zenph’s Kirk Owen (formerly of Merscom and Playdom as well), when I arrived. It was Owen’s first Social. He said it won’t be his last. FullSteam turned out to be a great location — walking...

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Why You Absolutely, Positively Must Come to the ExitEvent Startup Social

See, the thing of it is, there’s no reason you have to be at the next ExitEvent Social. And by “next,” I mean this Monday, August 19th, at 6:00 p.m. in downtown Durham. It’s our 20th, which is kind of a milestone, and ancient in startup years. But I’ll tell you why you should show up and, in that, I’m hoping I can nudge every entrepreneur within driving distance to turn out. Every one of you, at every stage, from the big shot hot names to the ones who just made their first sale last week. There are already...

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Risk, Reward, and the July ExitEvent Startup Social

Every time the day of the ExitEvent Startup Social rolls around, from the moment I get up in the morning until the first few people arrive at the Social location just before 6:00 p.m. that day, I am convinced that this is going to be the one where no one shows up. I don’t know why this is. Maybe it’s because I’m not an event planner, and I don’t know the sorcery of Event Planning. Maybe it’s because my wife put together the most amazing wedding I’ve ever been to and, just like the sage advice I was given,...

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ExitEvent to Host First Charlotte Startup Social Immediately After Southeast Venture Conference

Up is down, left is right, cats and dogs living together and this is finally going to happen. ExitEvent will bring the 16th version of its anti-networking startup event to Charlotte on Thursday, March 14th, immediately following the closing reception of this year’s Southeast Venture Conference. Known as the Startup Social, the doors will open for the first time at 5:30 at Packard Place, Charlotte’s startup hub and home to RevTech Labs (it’s a three-block walk). To make it as inclusive as possible without blowing the by-startups-for-startups vibe we’ve fostered for 18 months, a badge from SEVC gets you...

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