automated insights | WRAL TechWire - Part 2

automated insights

Teambuilding Without Teambuilding

The words “team building” never came up, except once or twice in an ironic sense when talking about unleashing pent-up rage on one of our co-workers. There was no opening speech, except for the part about not shooting each other in the eyeball or throat. There was no contest or personality study or explanation of how this was like our workday. There were teams, but they were based on who wanted to shoot who the most. But as we left the field that afternoon, we were all ridiculously closer to one another than we had been before we arrived....

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There is No I in Startup

I’m constantly blown away by the parallels between sports and startups. And not just the obvious lexicon similarities like “win”, “game-changer”, “home run”, “swinging for the fences”, “layup”, “slam dunk” and on and on (and on, this is my thing). I’m talking about the actual lifecycle of the team, from the first time they come together to the end of a championship run. From founding to exit event (pun intended), succeeding with a startup is exactly like succeeding in sports. So it made perfect sense for Robbie Allen to bring in Eric Montross for Automated Insights‘ quarterly meeting. Even...

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It's an Honor Just to be Nominated

Look, I’m not kidding around here. I’m officially lobbying hard for your vote for me as Yardmaster (Driving regional development and/or a type of technology) in the first ever WRAL Tech Wire Full Steam Ahead Awards. I need to win this. My ego demands it. So vote for me, and if you don’t have a vote, email the Tech Wire and let’s take this thing viral. Come on, who am I kidding? I’m in the “Group of Death” with Jim Whitehurst, Jason Caplain, and Jim Goodmon (and since he owns the Tech Wire I figure I can lobby my...

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