As Monday morning rolls in, we’re providing TechWire readers with a quick recap of the past week’s news headlines.

Hot stories for July 29-August 3 included: Purdue Pharma is downsizing in the Triangle, selling its Treyburn plant in Durham; GoTriangle added a new direct transit route to Wake Tech’s RTP campus; GSK and Pfizer, both of which have operations in North Carolina have now officially merged healthcare businesses; the Triangle leads the nation in NIH funding; some local employers are now offering a four-day work week.

And in national news: Over 100 million Capital One accounts and credit applications were exposed in a hack; U.S. employers added 164,000 jobs in July; the Federal Reserve lowered the benchmark federal funds rate for the first time since 2008.

Also, a media update from us: The numbers are in from TechWire’s monthly traffic data. July came in as our second-best month ever, with unique readers up 70% and new readers over 100%.

Keeping with our Monday tradition, here’s a look back at 63 local, state and national headlines as reported by WRAL TechWire last week:

MONDAY July 29 Headlines:

TUESDAY July 30 Headlines:

WEDNESDAY July 31 Headlines:

THURSDAY August 1 Headlines:

FRIDAY August 2 Headlines:

Weekend Reading: