information technology | WRAL TechWire

information technology

Tough conversations with your boss: How to talk, pitch technology relevance

Organizations aren’t just looking for tech workers who will sit in a back room configuring servers or writing code. They need these individuals to work closely with business units, sharing their expertise as everyone works together on solutions. A recent CompTIA survey confirmed this—44% of people responding to the survey said that the ability to explain technology relevance to the overall business picture was the most-prized skill for completing IT projects.

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Wildfires serve as warning to tech services providers: Are you prepared?

Natural disasters are a constant threat to almost any community everywhere: Earthquakes, hurricanes, blizzards, tornadoes, fires. Businesses spend a lot of time and money developing strategies for how to respond to a disaster, but the truth is it’s easy to become complacent. It won’t be that bad. We know what to do. It doesn’t happen here. Until it does.

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Can’t find cybersecurity talent? Try upskilling your own staff

In today’s modern world where technology is at the forefront of all that we do, the demand for cybersecurity professionals is high, and ever increasing. But for any organization, hiring people with the right cybersecurity skills can be a challenge. So, why not look within and upskill current employees with existing institutional knowledge with the skills and competencies needed to fill your open cyber roles?

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