career change | WRAL TechWire

career change

VICTORY! Hacking Up a Mini-Win

Coding update! According to Codecademy, I am on a 17-day learning streak. That may sound impressive, but I still spent a solid ten minutes today completely flummoxed by a colon. Turns out it needed to be a semicolon for the code to work. Come on, JavaScript, you knew what I meant! You’re never going to become sentient at this rate. Anyway, I am happy to report that this week I had a CODING VICTORY! Someone mentioned that on a website we were building, the title had to be an image file. “Wait a minute,” I thought. “I think we...

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How Do I Get Involved in the Startup Scene?

Ricky Spero is co-founder and VP of Product Development at Rheomics, developing a next-gen blood coagulation diagnostic for surgeons. He is also founder of Mint Market, making it easier for farmers and chefs to do business with each other. A friend recently wrote to let me know that he’d returned to the Triangle after some time away. He was looking for a job and was interested in startups. His question was, basically, “Where do I begin?” My first reaction was, hey — Let Me Google That For You. But to my surprise, what I found was mostly lists of...

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