mhealth | WRAL TechWire


Telehealth: Delivering on Long-Promised Solutions to the Healthcare System’s Inherent Pain-Points

This is the first in a series exploring the telehealth sector and the Triangle-based companies behind its rise as a complement to traditional healthcare delivery.  Before my son reached his second birthday, we visited his pediatrician’s office at least 40 times. Some of those visits were scheduled, monthly or bi-monthly check-ups. But most were unscheduled—ear infections, common colds, and more ear infections left me scrambling to get to the doctor’s walk-in hours at least once a month. The inconvenience of visiting the pediatrician is always worth it—if it turns out my son actually is sick. When he’s not? Well,...

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Durham's Validic Lands $760K Seed Round Led by Mark Cuban

Drew Schiller wants to check up on you, see if you’re OK, make sure you don’t need anything. That gets a laugh, albeit more of a pity laugh. Which is OK, I’ve known Drew long enough that I don’t need his pity. “The problem we want to solve is that mobile healthcare — healthcare outside of a physicians office, is growing rapidly,” he says. “Smartphones are pervasive, Fitbits are now for everyone. Physicians are starting to prescribe mobile heath devices. The problem is that there are all of these disparate vendors and nobody can access the data in any...

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