Leigh-Kathryn Bonner | WRAL TechWire
Leigh-Kathryn Bonner

Leigh-Kathryn Bonner

Posts by Leigh-Kathryn Bonner

26 Camps & Programs to Keep Kids' Brains Active & Entrepreneurial This Summer (And Year-Round)

“School’s out!” is the general consensus among students and parents in this first week of summer break. “School’s out.” is probably how parents will feel a couple weeks in.  But what if kids weren’t sleeping in till noon, spending hours at the pool or playing video games or fighting with their siblings and instead learning new skills that might just prepare them for a career in something heady like science, math or technology. The Triangle has bunches of these programs available to kids of all ages this summer, as well as options for continuing that extracurricular learning during the...

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My Startup Story: Honey Bees, An eGames Victory and My (NCSU) Pack

North Carolina State University has been called every name under the sun, my favorite being “the red-headed step child” of the Triangle.  Yes, we may be the agricultural school made entirely out of brick, and true, we may not have as many national championships as our neighbors down the street, but we have something much more important, something our “friends” will never have…a Pack.  Every student, from the minute they enroll at NC State until the day they die, knows the importance of their pack. My favorite saying at NC State is, “For the strength of the pack is...

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