Jeremy Reynolds | WRAL TechWire
Jeremy Reynolds

Jeremy Reynolds

Posts by Jeremy Reynolds

Moore Forward kicks off with fancy event; now hard work begins

Nearly a hundred years ago members of the Pinehurst Country Club could sit on the veranda and see in the distance the construction of a barn. This barn was constructed to be the site of the Sandhills Fair, at the time one of the largest events in the region. Over the years, the Fair Barn, has held a number of other events in Pinehurst and Tuesday night it held the formal launch of Moore Forward – the entrepreneur hub for the Moore County region. (Moore Forward was featured in WRAL Tech Wirehere last week.) Christopher Gergen, from Forward Communities,...

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Entrepreneurship goes rural in NC with ‘Moore Forward’

If you’ve been a regular reader of the WRAL Techwire then you probably have read about the local startup scene ranging from Bull City Forward, Triangle StartUp Factory, HUB Raleigh or ExitEvent and now StartupNC. Sounds like startup fever is taking over in the metropolitan areas of North Carolina, but what about in the rural parts of the state? Could such an initiative, as Bull City or HUB Raleigh exist in places far removed from the hustle and bustle of the larger cities? For the past six months a group of business and community leaders, including myself, has been...

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Mixing it up at Internet Summit – Benefits aren’t just from talking tech

Editor’s note: Jeremy Reynolds is an Air Force Reserve Pilot, partner and Director of Strategy at Tangram Media, and a Durham Bulls fan. Twitter: @jeremyreynolds RALEIGH, N.C. – So, this week there were two big events in Raleigh worth attending: the Internet Summit and the Triangle Entrepreneur Week. I was present for the Internet Summit, my first, and I’d like to tell you a little bit about my experience. If you missed out I hope my commentary motivates you to attend next year. A big reason why you might want to put it on your long-range calendar is actually...

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