Eric Tucker | WRAL TechWire
Eric Tucker

Eric Tucker

Posts by Eric Tucker

FBI, Justice Dept. take encryption worries to Congress

WASHINGTON — Federal law enforcement officials are pressing their concerns about encryption before Congress, where they will argue to senators on Wednesday that the right to privacy is not absolute and must be weighed against public safety interests. The testimony by FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, the No. 2 official at the Justice Department, adds to an ongoing and high-stakes dispute between the Obama administration and some of the world’s most influential technology companies. At issue is encryption technology in phones and computers that Silicon Valley companies say offers customers’ invaluable security in their...

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US hopes reward offers can help net foreign cyber criminals

The FBI considers Evgeniy Bogachev one of the world’s most prolific and brilliant cyber criminals, slapping his photos — bald, beefy-faced and smiling faintly — on “Wanted” fliers posted online. The Russian would be an ideal target for prosecution — if only the Justice Department could find him. Unable to capture him in the 10 months since his indictment, the government has turned to a time-honored technique long used for more conventional crime: putting a bounty on Bogachev’s head. It’s too soon to say whether the $3 million reward for information leading to his arrest, offered under a special...

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