Upset with Apple’s price increases? Here’s how to cancel subscriptions, MacRumors reports | WRAL TechWire

Upset with Apple’s price increases? Here’s how to cancel subscriptions, MacRumors reports

Upset with Apple’s price increases? Here’s how to cancel subscriptions, MacRumors reports

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Apple has announced significant price hikes for several of its services, including Apple TV+Apple Arcade, and Apple News+. Because of the higher individual prices, the cost of the Apple One bundles have also increased.

In the U.S., ‌Apple TV+‌ is now $9.99 per month, up from $6.99 per month. ‌Apple Arcade‌+ is up $2 at $6.99, and ‌Apple News‌+ is now priced at $12.99 per month, up from $9.99 per month. ‌Apple One‌ Individual and Family are $3 more expensive, while Premier is $5 more. Prices are going up in most countries where Apple services are available.

If you’re unhappy with the new price points for Apple’s services, it’s quick and easy to cancel. Here’s how.