More news and information for entrepreneurs to use in building and growing businesses is available from TechWire as we continue to make additions to our Triangle Startup Guide. And be sure to check out our extensive calendar listings for October and November, plus our Meetups list.

Every Monday, we’re sharing a digest of the changes and additions we make to the Triangle Startup Guide.

Last week, we added two notable podcasts to the inspiration/advice/more resources section of the guide:

  • We added Hustle Unlimited, a podcast hosted by Donald Thompson, CEO of Raleigh-based digital marketing agency Walk West. Every week, Thompson interviews successful entrepreneurs and leaders about their path to success. (You can read more about Thompson here and here.)
  • We also added Digital Health Institute for Transformation‘s new podcast, DHIT Frequency, which launched last week. Each week, DHIT Co-Founder and President Michael Levy sits down with leaders in digital health, life science and biotech to discuss the future of healthcare. The first episode features Yonnie Butler, executive director of Alamance Community College’s Biotechnology Center of Excellence.

We updated the mentorship programs section to include information about NC State Entrepreneurship Clinic’s mentorship program, which connects students to NC State’s network of business advisors and mentors.

Is there something you think the guide is missing? Feel free to send me an email or tweet me (@ShannonCuthrell) your suggestions and feedback.

More resources: Weekly calendar package

If you’re interested in keeping up with the latest local events, check out our two-part list of October events in the Triangle and in other regions across North Carolina.

Each week we also break out events coming up “on the horizon” a month out – such as our November calendar listings.

We’ve also put together a list of 140 Triangle meetups.

These columns accompany our interactive calendar, which is updated every few days with new events held across North Carolina.