If there is one word that captures a big challenge facing software developers across an enterprise it’s “stack.” As in stacks for this tool or that. Durham startup Allstacks’ name capitalizes on its solution: A platform to coordinate projects across the stack spectrum.

Says CEO Hersh Tapadia:

“Allstacks is focused on making engineering teams and engineering managers more effective. We aggregate and analyze data generated in the course of software development to identify leading indicators of project health and then enable engineering managers to identify and quickly take action to keep their teams and projects on track.”

An NC IDEA grant award winner in 2016, Allstacks will be talking up its technology at CED Tech Venture on Sept. 19-20.

This profile is one in a series written, edited and published by WRAL TechWire in partnership with the CED.

Profile: Allstacks

  • Website: www.allstacks.com
  • Email contact: hersh.tapadia@allstacks.com
  • CEO: Hersh Tapadia
  • How many employees? 4
  • Link to CED Tech Venture Company Profile: https://cednc.org/company-profile/allstacks

​The Q&A:

  • What is the focus of your business?

Allstacks is focused on making engineering teams and engineering managers more effective. We aggregate and analyze data generated in the course of software development to identify leading indicators of project health and then enable engineering managers to identify and quickly take action to keep their teams and projects on track.

  • What is the top pain point/business application you are seeking to address?

We help engineering managers create consistently productive software development teams to deliver products on time and on budget.

  • What makes it unique?

Allstacks requires no input from the engineering team and thus creates no disruption to workflow. In one place you can get a full broad spectrum view of your team’s performance and roadblocks without needing a set of analysts behind the effort.

  • Why should investors be interested in your firm?

Allstacks is a quickly growing venture run by founders who have spent their career managing product development teams and tackling these same problems. We can scale a uniquely valued product in a space with little direct competition and provide value to millions of engineering managers globally.

  • How are you financed at this point?

We have raised outside capital from grants: NC IDEA ($50k) and the Citrix/Red Hat Innovators Program as well as self-financed by the founders.