AT&T’s increasingly bitter fight with Google over competing fiber networks takes on a new, mocking tone as a top AT&T executive says in a blog post that broadband network building is “not for the faint of heart.”

“Pardon our dust,” wrote Joan Marsh, AT&T’s Vice President of Federal Regulatory in a slam against Google Fiber’s network building efforts.

“Welcome to the broadband network business, Google Fiber. We’ll be watching your next move from our rear view mirror.”

AT&T is fighting Google Fiber in court about hanging fiber from utility poles in Louisville; a nasty fight is underway in Tennessee. And AT&T has not been reluctant to tout the aggressive growth of its Gigapower fiber network in the Triangle, where Google Fiber says it is building but has not publicly lit up any strands for service.

In fact, Google Fiber is fighting back against reports that it is slashing the GF work force in half while pausing construction in some markets and exploring ways to deliver broadband service via wireless. (The Triangle would be a test market, pending FCC approval of a GF petition.)

All the talk and legal fighting led to the blog from Marsh that reads as an almost personal, dismissive attack on GF.

Google Fiber “excuses”

It’s rare that corporations’ senior executives speak out so so sarcastically about a rival. But Marsh goes all in on the biting criticism.

Marsh cites a litany of efforts by Google to build broadband while AT&T has begun to rapidly build out fiber in a growing number of markets (including Google’s own headquarters city in Silicon Valley.)

“Google Fiber will no doubt continue its broadband experiments, while coming up with excuses for its shortcomings and learning curves,” Marsh wrote.

“It will also no doubt continue to seek favoritism from government at every level.

“Just last week Google Fiber threatened the Nashville City Council that it would stop its fiber build if an ordinance Google Fiber drafted wasn’t passed. Instead of playing by the same rules as everyone else building infrastructure, Google Fiber demands special treatment and indeed in some places is getting it, unfairly.”

She then noted media reports about GF’s rumored job cuts.

“Yet, Google Fiber still complains it’s too hard…and costs too much…and takes too long… even as it’s reported that Google Fiber will now try to do all this with half its current workforce.

Marsh then points out the AT&T build-out continues.

“Meanwhile, without excuses or finger-pointing, and without presenting ultimatums to cities in exchange for service, AT&T continues to deploy fiber and to connect our customers to broadband services in communities across the country.

“Welcome to the broadband network business, Google Fiber. We’ll be watching your next move from our rear view mirror. Oh, and pardon our dust.”

Read the full post at: