Money helps too, which is why the spotlight and the $20K from the BCBS Health Innovation Challenge, coming right on the heels of Disrupt, is another big deal. They celebrated their victory at the official awards gala last night (which, hopefully, I made), and then they’ll use the money to pursue other areas — everything from tracking obesity, which is their next big thing, to getting research and development done by dietitians and nutritionists that applies directly to their product and program.

That’s another area where the big increase in inbound traffic can help. Users are not only emailing in to praise the product, most of whom are just now discovering it, but also making suggestions. This type of feedback on such a large scale is usually expensive and time-consuming. Having it all triggered for you is gravy.

Which is bad for you, by the way. Ironic.

Jivan says he and Keval had a great time on INRFOOD’s “first official business trip,” but noted something else he found intriguing. Sure, Disrupt is a massive conference with Zucks and Mayers and Morins and Arringtons everywhere you turn, but, he noted, per capita, the talent and the passion there was nearly exactly the same as you’d find in Durham, just on a much larger scale.

“The Triangle really stacks up in terms of talented companies,” he noted.

That’s good to know. And as long as companies like INRFOOD keep taking home local and not-so-local wins (and, of course, turning that into more customers and revenue), it won’t be long before the volume of talented companies here catches up.