SAS Provides Support for New TechEngage Sessions

SA will offer its support to the TechEngage conference, which provides training to underemployed and unemployed IT professionals.

“SAS has always been dedicated to the continued development of the IT industry in North Carolina,” said Jeff Chambers, vice president of human resources at SAS. “The TechEngage conference fills a valuable need and contributes to the future of the industry. SAS is pleased to help support an effort that plays such a large part in improving the state’s work force.”

The five-day conference is scheduled for March 8-12 at N.C. State University’s College of Management in Raleigh. It is designed to help participants develop their skills and be better prepared for the job market by learning about the latest technical programs and applications.

“TechEngage has proved itself a wonderful resource that delivers value and contributes to the success of the community,” said Connie Marthinsen, co-founder of TechEngage and a technical training specialist with SAS University, the company’s employee development department. “I am very proud of SAS’ support and participation and expect great things for future conferences.”

TechEngage is a nonprofit organization that was founded in January 2003 to provide training to North Carolina residents who are unemployed or working outside their area of technical expertise.

This year’s conference has been extended to include residents outside North Carolina. Professional instructors donate their time to provide training in many technical and IT marketing areas.

The registration fee for the March conference starts at $145, and participants can reserve a laptop computer for use at the conference for a small additional fee. For more information visit the TechEngage website.


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