“Ring master” Chris Heivly talks to The Skinny about why he decided to sell his “Big Top” jobs platform and events to The American Underground. But don’t get your hopes up that the move means new life for The Startup Factory.

The deal was announced Tuesday afternoon.

  • Why did you decide to sell Big Top?

A combination of factors.

First I have a new gig which involves lots of travel putting some pressure on my to execute Big Top the way it should.

Secondly, the opportunity to really grow the platform for the area as well as expand the platform to other areas was apparent.

Put those two together and something had to give.

  • How do you plan to stay involved?

I am happy to help the Exit Event/AU team in whatever capacity I can to help grow the platform.

This could involve some strategy, some execution nuances and of course offering to wear the orange pants/black top hat as ringleader when needed.

  • Do you remain involved with Startup Factory? Has there been any change in TSF, i.e. a decision to reopen a search for additional funding?

Dave [Neal, co-founder] and I have not reopened a search for additional funding, we both have moved on to separate activities.

That being said, we have a portfolio of investments that we continue to manage together.

  • If TSF isn’t going to see additional funding and now that you have sold Big Top, are you considering launching another venture?

In January, I joined Techstars (the largest seed investment/accelerator company in the world) as an EIR (Entrepreneur in Residence) focusing on building a business around helping startup communities grow across the world.