RALEIGH — A new study shows that ChatGPT dominates the AI tool landscape.

In a survey of the most popular AI platforms by writerbuddy.ai, ChatGPT accounts for 60% of traffic within the top 50 AI platforms.

That accounts for a “colossal” 14 billion visits, according to the survey.

The study pulled data from the SEO tool SEMrush, focusing on monthly traffic, growth, and overall market presence.

User statistics for ChatGPT

The study shared a few other key insights about ChatGPT usage:

  • ChatGPT is most popular in the United States, followed by India and Brazil.
  • Average Usage Duration for users of ChatGPT was 30 mins.
  • Mobile devices are the preferred means of access for 58% of ChatGPT’s users.
  • The user base is mostly male, with a gender disparity of 74.16% male users.

From “Uncovering the AI Industry: 50 Most Visited AI Tools and Their 24B+ Traffic Behavior” by writerbuddy.ai

Rising stars

A few “rising stars” were mentioned — the tools Character AI, Google Bard, and Perplexity AI collectively held 18.69% of the chatbot market’s monthly visits.

From “Uncovering the AI Industry: 50 Most Visited AI Tools and Their 24B+ Traffic Behavior” by writerbuddy.ai

Check out the full study at writerbuddy.ai.