Editor’s note: This event preview is part of today’s Startup Monday lineup. Each week TechWire providers calendar, event and news as well as analysis about what’s happening across the Triangle’s entrepreneurial sector.


DURHAM – On November 17-19, 2023, Knox St. Studios and Foundit, a program from the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University, will host Durham’s Techstars StartUp Weekend focused on Sustainability.

Lee Gray, Associate Director of Knox St Studios, a Durham-based entrepreneurship and STEM-focused ecosystem supporter, tells told TechWire that the “immersive experience” will focus on supporting startups.

“At Knox St, we do Startup Weekend a little differently,” said Gray. “Self care is as important as the work we are doing. It’s a value of ours, and we want to highlight what we believe and hold space for others to unwind amidst the intensity of the weekend.”

[Video from Knox St. Studios and foundit about Techstars Startup Weekend]

Gray also said the event will include a hands-on creative session and a party Saturday night that brings together community resource partners.

“It’s an immersive experience where diverse teams work on their ideas, and collaborate with like-minded, innovative, driven, and passionate individuals,” said Gray.

Knox St Studios has been hosting Startup Weekends in partnership with Techstars since 2015, Gray told TechWire.

For startups that are hiring — meet other innovators at startup weekend

Gray shared that the upcoming Startup Weekend event is a great place for founders to meet other “passionate and driven” innovators.

“These folks are digging into the work for 54 hours over a single weekend. That’s a serious level of commitment to doing something they believe in, and those are the people who found and help build startups,” said Gray. “It’s not uncommon for people from Startup Weekends to continue on the journey and start a company together.”

Gray also shared that well-known companies like Zapier, Rover, and Thimble all launched from different Techstars Startup Weekends.

The event is free; registrants will have the option of making a donation to support the program.