Apple Car rumors: Self-driving vehicle could have 4 facing seats, no steering wheel, much more

By  , MacRumorse hecile

The Information‘s Wayne Ma today published an in-depth report reflecting on Apple’s struggles to build a self-driving electric vehicle, including technical challenges and several leadership changes since the project began around eight years ago.

Notably, the report reveals some interesting details about the physical appearance of the so-called “Apple Car.” The latest design of the vehicle is said to feature four seats that face inward, allowing passengers to have face-to-face conversations with one another, along with a curved ceiling that resembles the roof on a Volkswagen Beetle. …

As previously reported, The Information says Apple is aiming to gain exemptions from the U.S.’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to release a vehicle without a steering wheel and brake pedal. Interestingly, the report claims that Apple has even discussed allowing passengers to lie flat and sleep in the vehicle.

For more details, read the full story at MacRumors: