Teaching Startup: A new series for entrepreneurs launches at TechWire

Editor’s note: Veteran Triangle entrepreneur and blogger Joe Procopio returns as a contributor to WRAL TechWire with a series focusing on advice for entrepreneurs.

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK – Two years ago, I set out to write two blog posts a week with honest, actionable, objective advice for entrepreneurs and executives. Having spent 20+ years as an entrepreneur in the Triangle, with my fair share of exits and failures, I wanted to provide the knowledge I wish someone had provided for me during every one of my startup ventures.

I took those posts to Medium, where much to my surprise, they found immediate and outsized success, much more than I had imagined going into it. Starting tomorrow I’m going to bring one of those posts to TechWire each week.

The posts are about building, selling, hiring, and growing your business. I’ll mostly focus on startups, so expect some talk about product, MVP, and investment, but the concepts I’ll cover apply to any business, at any stage, for leaders in any role. I’m still an entrepreneur today, having just spent three years as CPO of Spiffy, I’m now COO of IoT and Beer startup Precision Fermentation.

Oh, you may remember me from ExitEvent, an information source and database for entrepreneurs that made its home in the Triangle. ExitEvent used to have a monthly entrepreneur-only meetup, and the big draw of that meetup was the opportunity for entrepreneurs to ask each other questions and get answers.

I took that concept one step further for my current project, Teaching Startup, which provides the same kinds of answers you’d get from an advisor–only in your inbox and in an app– for $10 a month instead of $300 an hour. That’s taking off now, and it seems like a good name for this post series.

So starting Tuesday, I’ll bring a bit of Teaching Startup to TechWire every week. I hope you find it honest, actionable, and objective, and I hope it helps you take your business to the next level.