More news and information for entrepreneurs to use in building and growing their businesses is available from WRAL TechWire as we continue to make additions to our Triangle Startup Guide. The local startup community is constantly growing—prompting regular updates and additions to the guide.

With the coronavirus pandemic unfolding, startups may be in need of immediate funding to keep their businesses afloat in an economic downturn. So we decided to add a list of COVID-specific funding sources to our competitions/grants/other funding section of the guide.

Last week, we added more resources to the list, including additional information about national grant programs, emergency response funds in Carborro and Orange County, industry-specific relief programs and grants, and more links to organizations serving local businesses.

Check it out for the latest information on how to get financial assistance for your startup.

Because we consider the guide as a living document that’s flexible to expand as needed, we’d like to solicit your feedback on how we can make it better. If we missed a resource you think should be added, please don’t hesitate to submit it for inclusion. You can also email me directly or use this contact form.

More resources: Weekly calendar package

If you’re interested in keeping up with the latest local events, check out our interactive calendar, which is updated every few days with new events held across North Carolina.

We also publish a weekly column that previews upcoming events and program deadlines across the state. It’s broken up into multiple parts: