HICKORY – Communications gear provider CommScope says it has “three new breakthroughs” that dramatically improve broadband network scale, speed and latency.

The Hickory-based company announced Tuesday that its advances – in architecture design, interface speed, and edge performance – create “unprecedented choice and control for broadband network operators.”

All will become elements of the company’s Distributed Access Architecture (DAA) and 10G [gigabit] portfolios.

“The most important new use cases are relentless about response time. Faster speed plus lower latency is the new normal,” Morgan Kurk, executive vice president and chief technology officer, CommScope, said in a release.

“Three things are required to achieve this—an end-to-end view of the network; an agnostic approach to technology; and a distributed architecture that breeds innovation in the core, throughout the access layer, and at the edge.”

CommScope is expected to demonstrate the new technologies at the SCTE•ISBE Cable-Tec Expo beginning September 30 in New Orleans.