Elon Musk wants you to be able to play Fortnite in your Tesla

CARY – Epic Games and Fortnite apparently are going to get a charge up from Elon Musk just days after John Wick is coming on board.

The tech entrepreneur says via Twitter that he’s “porting” Epic Games’ Unreal Engine to Tesla as well as another leading brand.

“Lots more games coming once we finish porting Unity!’

So wrote Musk on Sunday.

Then came the good news for Cary-based Epic:

Epic Games bringing popular Rocket League franchise into its ‘family,’ store

“Also porting Unreal Engine”

Musk’s legion of Twitter followers “liked” the news more than 45,000 times.

Epic’s Fortnite is already the world’s most popular gaming experience with some 200 million players. And it’s recently received Hollywood tie-ins from Marvel’s Avengers franchise.

If Tesla imports Epic’s game engine technology Unreal then even more possibilities open up for Epic. Unreal is one of the world’s leading game-development engines.

And it just so happens that Epic is acquiring esports leader Rocket League, which runs on Unreal.

Tech news site CCN notes that the Musk news is “Clearly a massive deal for fans of Epic games and Telsa, Musk is making sure you can keep your gaming skills sharp wherever you may be.”

The good news continues to roll in for privately held Epic.

Just two weeks ago, the developer of a new action game based on assassin John Wick said it would publish the title exclusively at the Epic Games Store.

Epic Games lands exclusive launch for new ‘John Wick’ video game + watch the trailer

Epic’s new Fortnite ‘Survival Guide’ promises to unlock game secrets