DURHAM – Meat lovers, have no fear. American Underground wants you either as a tenant or employee.

After WeWork, an international heavyweight in the co-working space business that has its sights set on Durham and Raleigh, disclosed its meat ban on employees, AU decided to defend its Triangle turf with a message of its own.

And in a tweak to its rival, AU included in its statement a reminder that the Capitol Broadcasting-owned company is hosting a … “Meat-Up.”

Yep: A Barbecue.

AU and HQ Raleigh execs spoke out right away in a story WRAL TechWire published shortly after the WeWork news broke. Both said they didn’t agree with WeWork;s ban.

AU then followed up with its note and tweak.

WRAL TechWire reached out to AU for comment, A spokesperson said AU wouldn’t comment beyond the statement.

So …

Here’s AU’s note about its own “meat” policy:

“Due to recent news in the coworking industry, we have been asked by many if we intend to create dietary restrictions within our organization. We felt it was necessary to share our philosophy behind serving the startup community.

“We know that startups have a lot on their plates. At American Underground, we aim to make startup life easier through a buffet of resources, and we want our members to devour all that our startup community has to offer.

“For example, as an AU member, you can meat in any of our conference rooms across four locations, or veg out on our comfortable soft seating to get work done.

“Between our productive workspace, creative community, and impactful resources, we have the ingredients to help you take your startup to the next level.

“The important thing to remember is, at AU, we believe everyone deserves a seat at the table. Our only restriction is that you must have an appetite for innovation and a hunger to grow your startup.

“Thank you,

“The American Underground Team”

P.S. In an unrelated matter, we will be hosting a Meat-Up for the startup community on August 2nd at noon, featuring delicious NC-style barbeque from Bullock’s, one of the oldest barbeque joints in Durham! Sign up here before tickets run out.


Note: WRAL TechWire is also owned by CBC.