A new rural prosperity task force report puts heavy emphasis on technology, including e-connectivity and embracing of technological innovation.

The report drew praise from Shirley Bloomfield, CEO of the Rural Broadband Association.

“NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association is excited that the Rural Prosperity Task Force report emphasizes the foundational significance of connectivity in improving the economic well-being and quality of life in rural America,” Bloomfield said in a statement on Monday.

“I am deeply grateful to have received an invitation to hear remarks by the President and Secretary of Agriculture in-person today in the wake of the report’s presentation, and NTCA is eager to assist in pursuing the report recommendations and achieving the vision of universal service articulated—to ensure the adoption of policies that will promote and sustain robust and affordable rural broadband access for the benefit of consumers, businesses, and communities throughout America, rural and urban alike.”

Other key points in the report include quality of life, rural workforce and economic development.

“With the voice of rural America leading the way, and in close collaboration with local, state, and tribal leaders, more than 21 federal agencies, offices, and executive departments identified over 100 actions the federal government should consider undertaking to achieve this vision,” wrote Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture, in the report presented to President Trump.

The tech key points:

  • e-Connectivity for Rural America

In today’s information-driven global economy, e-connectivity is not simply an amenity – it has become essential. E-connectivity, or electronic connectivity, is more than just connecting households, schools, and healthcare centers to each other as well as the rest of the world through high-speed internet. It is also a tool that enables increased productivity for farms, factories, forests, mining, and small businesses. E-connectivity is fundamental for economic development, innovation, advancements in technology, workforce readiness, and an improved
quality of life. Reliable and affordable high-speed internet connectivity will transform rural America as a key catalyst for prosperity.

  • Harnessing Technological Innovation

By 2050, the U.S. population is projected to increase to almost 400 million people, and rising incomes worldwide will translate into a historic global growth in food demand. To feed a hungry world, we will need to harness innovation to increase output
across American farmlands. In addition to increased crop yields, technological innovation can improve crop quality, nutritional value, and food safety. Innovations in manufacturing, mining, and other non-agricultural industries can enhance worker efficiency and safety. At the core of these developments that will further grow the rural economy is the expansion of STEM education, research, regulatory modernization, and infrastructure. Leveraging these innovations in an increasingly datadriven economy will also require further development of rural data management capabilities.

The full report is available online.