As disgruntled employees share stories of mistreatment at work based on gender, race or politics, workplace tensions and company reputations are increasingly being hashed out on a public scale.

The trend is pervasive in startup hot spots like Silicon Valley, where Uber and Google are the latest tech giants to experience a company culture crisis after negative employee experiences hit the press. But the risk is everywhere, even in emerging technology hubs like the Triangle. Along with notoriety comes expectation and responsibility.

Triangle stakeholders understand that it takes a strategic, non-flippant approach to compete with other growing tech hubs while fostering a startup culture that embraces diversity and provides meaningful work for local people.

This is the spirit behind a new series of events put on by the Research Triangle Foundation, and bolstered by a partnership with Inspiring Capital, a New York nonprofit that provides consulting and funding to social impact ventures and projects.

Called The Future of Talent, the series aims to educate and equip Triangle-area companies and executives to build healthy and appealing culture within their ranks.

The series complements a mission of both Inspiring Capital and RTF: to help companies provide meaningful and fulfilling work for people, and to grow the bottom line.

There’s much more to the story. Read it all at:

How RTP’s ‘The Future of Talent’ Prevents Uber-like Culture Crises from Hitting Triangle Companies