RevBoss, the three-year-old Durham software startup focusing on B2B sales, has raised another $325,000 in its second major fund raiser.

Actually, RevBoss fell $2 short of its $325,000 goal.

The firm, led by veteran entrepreneur Eric Boggs, disclosed the new funding in an SEC filing on Wednesday.

The funding is all equity.

The six investors involved in the funding invested at least $10,000.

RevBoss raised $1.1 million in November 2015.

​In a Q&A with WRAL TechWire last year, Boggs talked about the company.

Asked what the pain point is RevBoss addresses, Boggs explained: “Outbound prospecting is an incredibly complicated sales process that is very effective when well executed.”

The software-as-a-solution “combines key elements of the sales prospecting process — prospect data, sales workflow, and integrations — into a single SaaS offering. This makes the prospecting process faster, easier, and more effective for sales teams.”

Boggs says that the solution is unique because “we’re building an “auto-personalize” feature that automatically merges personalized content into outbound prospecting emails.

“The process requires no research or input from the sales rep and lifts prospect reply by 60% — this generates more engaged prospects and saves tons of time for sales reps.”

Boss, who was an executive at Bronto before launching RevBoss, says the product “helps sales teams grow pipeline and win more customers through outbound sales development. RevBoss builds prospect lists, messaging, and to-do lists so that its customers can spend more time talking to customers, building relationships, and closing deals.”

Previous investors include Silicon Valley-based Sovereign’s Capital and angel investors associated with Fulcrum Venture Partners, US Venture Partners, and Automated Insights.

  • VIDEO: Watch an overview about RevBoss at