A new report identifies what the three primary drivers are for companies deciding to embrace cloud computing. And many firms adopt more than one type of cloud.

Research firm International Data Corporation (IDC) reports that the top drivers are:

  • Improving agility
  • Improving security
  • Standardizing IT infrastructure

“Beyond adoption and maturity, a series of questions on ‘why are’ or ‘why aren’t’ respondents moving more workloads to the cloud makes up a key part of the study,” says Benjamin McGrath, senior research analyst, SaaS and Cloud Software, in the report.

Meanwhile, multi-cloud environments are rapidly becoming the norm as clouds become much more common across enterprise networks.

According to the IDC report, 87 percent of cloud users “have adopted some capabilities for a hybrid cloud strategy.”

That’s a 17 percent increase from a year ago.

The report also found:

  • 56 percent of users run more than one type of cloud deployment
  • 40 percent of cloud users are “Cloud First” organizations

“When we look at the shift in IT spend over the next 12-24 months to more of a mix of multiple types of cloud deployments, we see each type of organization take a different journey,” McGrath explains. “The study gathers data on the journey to cloud and how it differs by vertical – and micro-vertical – by country, by company size, company age, and by job title. What industry-specific projects are moving to the cloud? What are end-users looking for from their vendors in each country? How will all that change over time?”

The IDC report, Cloud View 2017, is based on survey responses from more than 6,000 organizations worldwide, all of whom are current users of cloud services as well as responses from those who are not currently utilizing cloud.