NCBiotech welcomes DAI Global Health to the Landing Pad

​The North Carolina Biotechnology Center is pleased to welcome our newest Landing Pad tenant, DAI Global Health.

Founded in 1970, DAI is a global development company with corporate offices in the United States, the United Kingdom,  and Belgium. Named one of the world’s top 40 international development innovators, DAI works on the front lines of international development, tackling fundamental social and economic development problems caused by inefficient markets, ineffective governance, and instability.

Based in Bethesda, Md., DAI’s health team and its regional and local partners have the technical skills, expertise, and local knowledge to deliver global health solutions while responding to issues ranging from emerging pandemic threats to HIV/AIDS and waterborne diseases. Their approach leverages non health resources in DAI’s environment, economic growth, governance, and post-conflict stabilization sectors to save lives and achieve health improvements all over the world.

NCBiotech’s Landing Pad is a unique program that offers both prime physical office space in Research Triangle Park and a full cadre of professional services to cushion the landing of out-of-state and international companies in North Carolina’s renowned life science hub.

For more information on the Landing Pad, please contact

(C) N.C. Biotechnology Center