With seven new or expanded startup-friendly spaces in 2016 and 10 campuses coming or growing in 2017, it’s never been easier to find a unique place to work or build a company in the Triangle.

Particularly interesting about 2016 was the growth of the co-working movement in smaller towns around the Triangle, as well as those in our urban centers growing in big ways to meet demand in the community.
Part two of this series will look at the expansions and openings planned for 2017, but for now, check out our 2016 space update:

Loading Dock Raleigh

The fast growth of natural bug repellent maker Murphy’s Naturals prompted the company to open this co-working space that’s open to any sort of worker. Located just north of downtown along the Atlantic Avenue corridor, Loading Dock reuses 5,000 square feet of an old Winn-Dixie warehouse for a two-story facility with a large co-working area, three conference rooms, a library, kitchen and cafe, along with private offices for Murphy’s and other small businesses and nonprofits. Sharing the building is a new brewery, distillery, modern furniture store, caterer and art studio.
Loading Dock opened in May with 40 members and had space up for up to 150. They pay anywhere from $99 monthly for coworking to $700 for a private office. Murphy’s will finish out another 12,000 square feet in 2017, offering distribution/storage/assembly space for makers and e-commerce companies.