Editor’s note: Veteran triangle entrepreneur and blogger Joe Procopio is launching his third book today: “Teaching Startup: Getting Started.” He promises it proves “everything you should know about starting your own company in 10,000 words.”

DURHAM, N.C. – So summer is winding to a close and that’s kind of disappointing. I never feel like I’m squeezing an entire summer’s worth of fun into what seems like an increasingly small window of time. Didn’t summer used to be like end of May to beginning of September? Now it seems like it’s three weeks in July, and for most of that time it’s either 100 degrees or thunderstorming.

But I did get something accomplished this summer, and it came from an unlikely place.

On the digital shelves of Amazon you’ll find my latest book, Teaching Startup: Getting Started. It is, as the cover proclaims, “everything you should know before starting your own company.” It’s a free book, because it needs to be, and it’s a quick, easy, comprehensive-but-enjoyable read through each stage of startup and what and who you need to get through each one.

Go get it. Right now. There are no strings.

A couple of things this book isn’t.

Notice I didn’t say “everything you NEED to know,” because this book isn’t it. You can’t possibly know everything you need to know before you start a company. If you did know all that, your hourly rate would be off the charts. But this a rough sketch of the startup universe. It’s meant to tell you how long the race is and what the markers are, as well as what you should be bringing along with you.

And notice I didn’t say “before starting your FIRST company,” because the book isn’t just meant for first-time entrepreneurs. It took me several years and several starts, including a couple exits, before I felt like I had the lay of the entrepreneurial land. Sure, I wish I had read this book before I started my first company. I also wish I had read it before I started by fifth company, or before I joined my first startup. Or for that matter, before I took my first job.

There’s more to the backstory of the book. Read it at:


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