Organizers of CityCampNC and NC Datapalooza are offering a discount ticket package to people wishing to attend four upcoming events: Triangle Open Data Day, National Day of Civic Hacking, CityCamp NC and NC Datapalooza.

It’s called the NC Open Pass.

The four events are called the “premier open government and open data events in the Triangle.”

Attendees can register once and they are ready to attend any and all of the NC Open Pass affiliated events throughout the year.

Early bird passes are $40 through March 2, and $50 starting on March 3.

The NC DataJam event, formerly the NC Datapalooza kickoff, will coincide with the CityCamp NC hackathon in early October. Teams emerging from CityCamp NC will have a chance to pitch their open data project at All Things Open before the NC Datapalooza finale in November.

NC Open Pass holders also get access to free pitch events for NC Datapalooza and discounted rates for the All Things Open conference held at the Raleigh Convention Center on October 26-27.

Check out OpenPass at:

NC Open Pass is a partnership between Code for Cary, Code for Durham, Code for Raleigh, and NC Datapalooza.