Durham-based eSecureSend emerges from beta testing

Have you ever needed to send a large media file to a customer or a client? Worried that you don’t have a secure enough or a large enough cloud storage platform to accommodate all of your client’s needs?

That’s the problem that Durham-based software engineering firm DMorph is seeking to address with their new product, eSecureSend. The company started working to develop this product in 2011, said company co-founder Jami Choudhury in an interview. A client of the company, which had been providing software development services, requested a new feature set: the ability to send really large files, like 100 GB large, and to encrypt those files to align with security requirements and regulations.

Competitors do offer free and freemium models, said Choudhury, including Dropbox, ShareFile, and WeTransfer, however those companies offer limited file transfer sizes and speeds. There are a few companies that are servicing large, enterprise clients, said Choudhury.

eSecureSend aims to serve a very different market than large, enterprise, Fortune 500 clients. The company released the product out of beta two months ago and have already started working with some clients.

“In the past, all titles were sent to out licensing customers on a physical hard drive,” said Joe Kinder, a video editor for Adam & Eve Pictures. “This wasn’t the most cost effective delivery method and it was also terribly slow.”

Kinder shared this frustration with a former colleague at lunch late last year, and the colleague requested contacting the team behind eSecureSend. Kinder investigated the product and quickly became a key part of the testing for the eSecureSend team. By providing feedback, said Kinder, the product now fits their needs and exceeded his original expectations and desires.

“If you need to send secure files anywhere I can’t recommend this product enough,” said Kinder. “eSecureSend knocked it out of the park on every level. I doubt you’ll find anyone who can beat their speed, pricing, or customer service.”

The business model is atypical in this market, as well, said Choudhury. Pricing is based on usage of data. Users do have a free option, provided file transfers are below 100 MB. For each GB, customers can expect to pay just $1. Bulk purchasing is also an option, and once purchased, data transfer credit never expires.

The eSecureSend team is still exceptionally small: just three people, the original founders of the company. As the product gains traction, they plan to hire additional staff, said Choudhury, and expand the team in Durham.