Research Triangle cited by Mashable as Silicon Valley rival

The world is beginning to notice that the Research Triangle rivals Silicon Valley as a tech hub and offers numerous benefits over other tech centric cities, such as a lower cost of living, high education level, and its ability to attract talent. The Research Triangle is one of four technology hubs – as number two behind only Austin, Texas – cited as competitors for the “Next Big Tech Hub,” title, according to Mashable.

Along with Research Triangle Park, established way back in the 1950s, Mashable points to its growing startup ecosystem. It mentions Validic, a health industry data services platform, that Mark Cuban funded after its appearance on the TV show “Shark Tank.” Other startups mentioned inlcude MapMyFitness adn Fitbit.

it notes that organizations like American Underground, a coworking and startup space that’s one of nine tech hubs part of the Google for Entrepreneurs network, is a microcosm that’s emblematic of the recent push for entrepreneurship and startup incubation in the Triangle.

It says the Triangle is attracting some of the “top tech talent” in the nation with its lower cost of living than other tech-centric cities.

It points out that the Triangle region is also one of the most educated communities in the nation, with one person in five holding a graduate degree.

In addition to Austin at number one, it names South Florida at number three, and Colorado in fourth position.

For the Mashable story see: