Crowdfunding is hot again in North Carolina as the state legislature prepares for next week’s session and Governor Pat McCrory pledges to fight for the bill’s passage after two years of failed attempts.

To help the business community understand the opportunities and implications of intrastate crowdfunding, WRAL TechWire will host an Executive Exchange next month to feature leaders in the movement. Yesterday, the site announced NC Commerce Secretary John Skvlarka as its keynote speaker. 

Others committed to speak include Justin Miller, the CEO of WedPics who recently used AngelList to close out a Series B round and Mark Easley, a local angel investor who has led the grassroots movement to pass crowdfunding legislation in the state. He’s an investor in Groundfloor, the real estate crowdlending startup that moved to Atlanta last year (where intrastate crowdfunding is already permitted), and Malartu Funds, a soon-to-launch equity crowdfunding site aimed to get new investors into early stage rounds. NC State professor and Malartu advisor Lewis Sheats will also speak at the event. 

It’s all happening February 17 at the NC State University Club from 8:30-10:30 a.m. 

For more details on the event, check out the story on WRAL TechWire. 

And here’s the link to register.