You’ve heard all the hype – we’re getting fiber.

First from AT&T, and likely from Google Fiber and other players.

But as much as we’re all celebrating faster and more reliable Internet at work and at home, there’s a whole lot else that one gigabit-per-second speeds allows in industries like health care, retail, banking and for next-generation startups. And that’s why ExitEvent partner WRAL TechWire is hosting the October 13 half-day event, “Fiber Transforms the Triangle” at SAS Institute in Cary.

Power players in the fiberoptics and telecom space are on board to share their thoughts. There’s Steve Vanderwoude of Madison River Ventures (investor in local startups now-defunct Argyle Social, Spring Metrics and inMotion Now), former MCNC CEO Joe Freddoso (who built the state’s first fiber network to connect the universities) and former FCC executive Blair Levin. The full schedule hasn’t yet been released, but here’s today’s event update from TechWire.

A side benefit to the relevant content – the $49 admission cost includes a year’s subscription to WRAL TechWire. That should appease anyone upset over the company’s year-old paywall.

To secure a spot, sign up here today.