From that pool of new people, there are new entrepreneurs, and I believe I met the most new people yet at Monday night’s Social — some of whom had set up shop in the Underground @Raleigh. Three new investors showed up. Previously, I hadn’t even known they’d existed.

And the quality was off the charts. I made a bunch of introductions, some of which were ricochet introductions — that’s where someone gets introduced to me and I immediately introduce them to someone else I think they should know.

Not only is that kind of thing fun and exciting, which is important, I should add, but it’s also necessary.

I started ExitEvent because the Triangle isn’t Silicon Valley, and in that it has to play a certain kind of catch-up in order for more startups to succeed here. I built ExitEvent to bring those elements to bear that I thought would make that happen — more focus, more connection, more spotlight, more education.

Those things are happening, and now they’re happening more and better. And if it can be done without the name tags, the speeches, the selling, and the bullshit, then I’ll have nothing to worry about after all.