Iron Man 3 opens this weekend and Advancer Technologies is getting on board with a do-it-yourself Iron Man kit.

The Raleigh company won’t outdo Tony Stark, the character who developed Iron Man’s armored suit in the Marvel movies. But Advancer has developed a wearable repulsor ray that emulates the armor on Iron Man’s hands and forearms. This Iron Man kit uses an electromyography circuit board, which records the electrical activity produced by muscles. Flexing the forearms triggers sound effects and lights that simulate Iron Man’s repulsor rays.

Advancer Technologies focuses on developing technologies in biomechatronics – a field that integrates mechanics, electronics and biology. The company is owned by Brian Kaminski, a North Carolina State University graduate with a degree in biomedical engineering and a concentration in biomechanics.

Besides selling electromyography (EMG) circuit boards and kits, Advancer also posts online tutorials that walk viewers through ways to use the technology. The YouTube video for the Iron Man repulsor ray has attracted more than 191,000 views. Check it out here.