The data from “Cyber Five” delivers several key messages for retailers.

With record sales on Cyber Monday of $1.6 billion, ecommerce continues to swell with a growth rate of 30 percent.

And leading the way are mobile shoppers.

So retailers wanting to gain a bigger share of the holiday sales pie – by far the biggest of the year – had best embrace ecommerce and find ways to make mobile shopping easier.

“Mobile, mobile, mobile,” is how Scot Wingo, ecommerce guru and chief executive officer at global online sales services provider ChannelAdvisor in Morrisville, summed up the weekend.

PC marketshare shopping over the five days fell to 69.3 percent from 82.8 percent a year ago, ChannelAdvisor data shows. (See chart with this post).

Meanwhile, smartphone share grew to 16.3 percent from 10 percent in 2011.

Tablet share doubled, jumping to 14.4 percent from 7.2 percent. 

Although the percentage of mobile shoppers fell on Monday from Thanksgiving, Black Friday and the weekend, Wingo wrote in his ChannelAdvisor blog that the news isn’t reason to second guess the tablet and smartphone trend.

“Mobile was lower on Cyber Monday than the rest of the Cyber Five which intuitively makes sense – CyberMonday is a “shop from work” type of a day and computer oriented,” Wingo said.

“Looking at the Cyber Five mobile trends, mobile came in at 30.7% for this key holiday week vs. last year’s 17.2% which is a very dramatic year over year increase.

“With smartphones approaching 20%, retailers will continue to need to think next year about the best strategy to optimize for this trend.”

As Tech Wire noted Tuesday, IBM sales made through use of mobile devices continued to grow, accounting for 12.9 percent of all sales.

Most (58.1 percent) transactions were made by smartphone, but tablets (41.9 percent) show increasing importance as a shopping device.

Overall, Wingo pointed out that eBay’s shopping traffic surged 55.2 percent alone on Cyber Monday and 38.3 percent over the five days.

Amazon was up 37.7 percent on Monday.

Meanwhile, comparison shopping engine traffic climbed 20 percent, a state Wingo termed as representing “a very strong day.”