By Local Tech Wire STEM News

CARY, N.C. – The has won a video contest promoting STEM education.

The Cary-based software firm amassed more than 1,000 votes on Facebook and Youtube since Change the Equation (CTEq) launched the contest two weeks ago, placing it well ahead of any of the other 17 video submissions.

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The goal was to highlight the importance of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education.

CTEq challenged its member companies to produce the best viral video showing students the cool jobs they can get if they excel in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Eighteen CTEq members entered videos in the “STEM is Cool” contest. The videos highlight how an employee or group of employees uses STEM knowledge in exciting and unexpected ways.

Submissions come from companies across multiple sectors ranging from gaming to space exploration.

CTEq is a non-profit organization whose 100-plus member companies from across industry sectors are dedicated to promoting innovation and investment in STEM teaching and learning. This contest marks a new phase of an ongoing CTEq campaign to showcasing how STEM is used in exciting careers ranging from special effects to cooking.

Second place went to Activision. Third place went Nielsen. .

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