By 2020, says Gartner, an average person will have more conversations with bots than with a spouse. Gartner’s strategic predictions for 2017 and beyond sees continuing digital disruption of your life and business..

Among it’s major predictions, revealed at the Gartner Symposium/IT expo 2016 in Orlando by Daryl Plummer, Gartner managing vice president, are:

  • Immersive, augmented reality will transform shopping experiences,
  • Screenless voice interactions will account for 30 percent of web browsing,
  • By 2022, IoT will save consumers and businesses $1 trillion a year in maintenance, services and consumables.
  • 20 percent of brands will abandon their mobile apps,
  • Blockchain will be worth $10 billion by 2022.IBM’s Research Triangle division is a key player in its Blockchain development.
  • Algorithms will play an increasing role in guiding consumer and business decisions.
  • By 2021, 20 percent of all of an individual’s actions will involve one of the top seven digital giants (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent).
  • Through 2019, every $1 enterprises invest in innovation will require an additional $7 in core execution.
  • By 2020, 40% of employees can cut their healthcare costs by wearing a fitness tracker.

For the full report see:GartnerPredicts