Raleigh startup Allstacks offers live dashboard, benchmarking software development at no charge

RALEIGH – Allstacks will provide a live dashboard with industry benchmark data on its website, at no charge.

The startup called this an “industry first,” in a statement.

Here’s how it works: any person at any company can navigate to the Allstacks website, then access real-time data.

The end goal, said Allstacks, is the enablement of company’s meeting internal “continuous improvement goals by comparing the progress of its own software teams.”

Allstacks noted in a statement that with transparent data, software development can be de-risked.

“This benchmark data is the first release of a broader strategy to put the engineering team in a better position to take a strategic seat in the boardroom and to help drive predictable customer value and business outcomes in a manner that is similar to the rest of the business,” the statement from Allstacks notes.

“We founded Allstacks to give engineering a voice in the boardroom by building organizational trust through transparency and predictability. With a significant population data set, we can confidently provide access to these initial five key benchmarks of software development,” said Hersh Tapadia, CEO, Allstacks, in a statement.  “Tech companies have been demanding some kind of description of what ‘good’ looks like in terms of software development progress for a long time. The wonderful thing about presenting live data is that our benchmarks reflect the state of the world we live in. Few could have predicted the impact of a global pandemic 18 months ago, and static benchmarks would struggle to give you fair comparisons. With live data, our benchmarks react to our lived externalities.”

The dashboard pulls and displays anonymized data, from within the Allstacks customer population.  The dashboard displays five benchmarks that the company says will help any company’s leadership “understand what progress looks like when it comes to the often misunderstood work of software engineering.”

Those are, according to the statement from Allstacks:

  • How many days per week do benchmark teams write code?
  • What percentage of issues are planned vs. unplanned for benchmark teams?
  • What are the cycle times per issue type for benchmark teams?
  • What types of code do benchmark companies produce?
  • What is the average commit size for benchmark customers?