‘Better Community Planning & Economic Development’ is focus of upcoming 4-part series

RALEIGH – Urban Land Institute executive Ed McMahon will lead an upcoming four-part series from LeverageNC that focuses on “Better Community Planning & Economic Development” for the state’s cities and towns.

The series begins Feb. 24 with “Secrets of Successful Communities.”

“Every community has its own strengths and weaknesses, but successful communities often share some common characteristics. This workshop will examine the secrets of successful communities. It will explore how some communities are able to maintain their
economic vitality and quality of life in a rapidly changing world, while other communities continue to lose jobs, population and their once unique character and identity. This series will give you the tools and techniques that successful communities use to thrive,” says LeverageNC.

Leverage NC is a partnership of the NC League of Municipalities, NC Department of Commerce’s Main Street & Rural Planning Center, NC Department of Cultural Resources’ State Historic Preservation Office and the NC Downtown Development Association. We aspire to build economic development capacity in every town or city across the state.

McMahon, a leading authority on topics such as the links between health and the built environment, sustainable development, land conservation, smart growth, and historic preservation.

He holds the Charles E. Fraser Chair on Sustainable Development at the Urban Land Institute in Washington, DC. As the Senior Fellow for Sustainable Development McMahon leads ULI’s worldwide efforts to conduct research and educational activities on environmentally sensitive development policies and practices. He is also Chairman of the Board of the National Main Street Center and a Senior Advisor to ULI’s Healthy Places Initiative.

This series will explore small town economic development and quality of life, post-pandemic real estate and land use practices, asset-based economic development, and what to know about reviving suburbs and commercial corridors.

Each hourlong session will be offered via a Zoom live webinar beginning at 1 pm.

Register for the event at this site. 

Other webinars include:

April 28, 2021 – How the Pandemic is Affecting Real Estate and Land Use

June 30, 2021 – Asset Based Economic Development

September 29, 2021 – Redeveloping Suburbs and Commercial Corridors