Lessons in social, emotional entrepreneurship with Kristen Hopkins (Dangers of the Mind)

Editor’s note: Trevor P. Schmidt is an attorney with Hutchison PLLC and host of the Founder Shares podcast.

RALEIGH – If you are like me, the words SEL or “Social and Emotional Learning” may have little meaning, but if you sit down with my guest Kristen Hopkins, CEO of Dangers of the Mind, even for a moment you will walk away singing its virtues. Kristen is passionate about her mission to teach both children and adults those life skills that are not always taught in school or at home, like understanding emotions, setting positive goals and empathy and giving people the tools they need to succeed.

Kristen is determined to make a real difference in people’s lives while creating a sustainable and thriving business. She is an author, speaker and educator and develops curricula to help students create a pathway towards manifesting a positive outlook on life. Her work often focuses on underserved populations, like in-school suspension programs. In pandemic-free times, she also goes on speaking tours to spread awareness on how SEL can have a positive impact on mental health, relationships and the choices we make.

I knew all of that before interviewing Kristen, but I had never heard the whole story as to how she got here. Kristen wasn’t originally on a path to help educate kids and their families. Early in her professional career, Kristen was living in Atlanta and working on PR for big corporate clients. She was successful, advancing her career and as she puts it living a bit of a fast life. And then, one day, with everything seemingly going so well—with so much promise and accomplishment ahead—it all nearly ended in an instant.

“I don’t know who’s watching over you,” the taxi driver that found her said, “but you’re not supposed to be here right now.”

You’ll have to check out the episode to hear the full story (Kristen tells it way better than I ever could), but suffice it to say that a series of events in Kristen’s life changed her perspective and led to the founding of Dangers of the Mind.

Kristen’s journey is a reminder that we all need to make the most of the time that we have. That we have an opportunity, no matter what we are doing, to be our best selves and to help those around us.

If you need a dose of inspiration; if you are looking for a story of how business can improve lives and facilitate broader community change, give a listen to our latest episode with Kristen Hopkins of Dangers of the Mind.

And if you would like to connect with me or are an entrepreneur interested in being a guest on our podcast, comment below, email me, or find me on LinkedIn or Twitter.

The blog content should not be construed as legal advice.

(C) Hutchison PLLC