Former Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer’s startup aims to organize your contacts

Marissa Mayer is back in the headlines, rebranding her startup as Sunshine and promising to reorganize your contacts.

“If technology can drive a car, how come it can’t just organize my contacts, make scheduling easier or do some things that seem a lot more straightforward?” So said Mayer of Sunshine, which launched Wednesday with its first offering: Sunshine Contacts.

Her cofounder is Google veteran Enrique Munoz Torres.

Sunshine contacts. (Sunshine image)

Their firm was known formerly as Lumi Labs.

Overall Sunshine aims to improve apps.

“At Sunshine, we reject the status quo of incomplete, out‑of‑date, scattered contacts,” the company says.

“Everyone’s contacts are a mess.  Now you can make your contacts useful and usable with Sunshine Contacts.”

The firm’s aim os to “create advanced technologies that  make mundane tasks effortless, free up your time, and make it easier to be thoughtful.

“At Sunshine, we are passionate about making the mundane magical: building everyday apps that put people first and quietly solve problems using sophisticated technology.

“Our first product is Sunshine Contacts, now available by invitation.  As we build our portfolio of apps, we are eager to innovate in scheduling, group communication, and event organization, just to name a few.”