Founder Shares podcast: From NCSU to changing state of health information networks, with Medicom Technologies’ Malcolm Benitz

Editor’s note: Trevor P. Schmidt is an attorney with Hutchison LLC.

RALEIGH – I talk to a lot of founders or people who would like to one day have that title who are convinced that they do not have the right experience or a deep enough resume for people to take them seriously. However, as today’s guest, Malcom Benitz of Medicom Technologies knows, if you listen to your customers, solve a longstanding problem and get the technology right, you can make up for a lot of perceived lack of experience.

When Malcolm Benitz and his two co-founders Michael Rosenberg and Chase Ballard started Medicom, they were still students at NC State University. They had no direct medical experience and had not previously founded a company. What they did have is a clear idea of a huge problem in the health information space and an unwavering belief that they could solve that problem.

The story of how they went from that idea, to a quickly growing company with a $5M Series A and directly contributing to patient outcomes is the subject of our latest episode of the Founder Shares podcast. The Medicom story is a solid reminder that every good company should start with a clear customer need and that the best way to identify that need is actually talking to your prospective customers. And then, as Malcolm says in our interview, “once you have that market and you see the challenges and what you can really provide, go for it.” Don’t let others get you down. Don’t let someone else’s “no” or doubt get in your way.

So if you are looking for that inspiration about how to overcome your own perceived inexperience or want to learn more about the massive problem Medicom is solving for the health care industry, check out my interview with Malcolm on the latest episode of the Founder Shares podcast or connect with me on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Check out the podcast at this link.

The blog content should not be construed as legal advice.

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