In the LimeLight: WRAL TechWire’s new way to focus attention on you, your company

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK – LimeLight, the newest addition to WRAL TechWire’s growing lineup, offers ways for companies and individuals to bring more attention to their efforts.

James Amato, who leads Strategic Business Development for WRAL Digital Solutions, talked about LimeLight with Editor Rick Smith.

“Response so far has been overwhelmingly positive, particularly among our WRAL TechWire partners who were helpful in getting us to launch by submitting many of the profiles with which we launched. We’ve heard from a number of folks in the greater business community, tech community, and even nonprofit community that they appreciate LimeLight for it’s timeliness and encouraging delivery,” Amato said.

James Amato

“In terms of trends, most recently, the regional startup community has been among the most actively interested and we welcome them with open arms! We’ve really seen it all though from high school students being profiled to C-Level executives from across the ecosystem—not just pure tech fields. This excites us because people in every industry innovate and disrupt. North Carolina’s statewide proximity to amazing tech companies and tech workers is something that continues to raise the bar across the spectrum. This has always been our belief and something we want to keep stressing.”

Companies can make sure their content and press releases, people, and notable information appears on LimeLight and WRAL TechWire by simply following the calls to action on site, he added.

Specific steps to take:

  • How can people get involved?​

Think of LimeLight as a virtual fist bump or raising of a glass to friends old and new. It’s easy to do, just visit and join us in believing that positive vibes save lives…and encourage your friends to do the same.

Anyone can give a shout out to an individual or a team by going to Tell us why you’re submitting that person or group of people – what they accomplished or how they impacted our statewide community and we’ll shine a light on the great work they’re doing.

  • How about companies?

LimeLight is a great way to highlight and promote your company’s news, awards, announcements, and press releases. Simply visit and share your exciting news with our statewide audience.