All Things Open gets ready to launch its 2019 conference special

RALEIGHAll Things Open has been quiet for the last couple of months putting the 2019 pieces in place, but that’s about to change in the weeks and months ahead.

Plan now for our annual $99 Special, which starts next week. We launch the new website, announce Round 1 speakers, and open registration every year in this way, and have since 2013. Prices will be the lowest they’ll be all year, and the $99 USD includes all programming, networking, and lunch over both core days of the conference (October 14 and 15). Complete details can be found here and be on the lookout for the announcement email next week!

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Have an All Things Open Story?

From the beginning, we’ve structured All Things Open to maximize educational and networking value for everyone, and to truly help attendees in the process. As a result, we’ve heard some amazing stories over the years from past attendees recounting many of the ways in which they were helped, and it reaffirms the work and effort are worth every moment spent.

This year we’re considering a series featuring a few of these stories, with a focus on the people themselves and the cool things they’re doing, which is really what we’re all about. If you have a story – perhaps you learned something new or met key contacts that have pushed you forward for example, we’d love to hear about it.