Augmented reality mural comes to life in downtown Raleigh

Taylor White’s canvas is now on the north side of the AWC Office located at 410 South Salisbury Street in downtown Raleigh.

“We are calling it ‘Abstract in Motion’,” White said.

She created her mural from a lift and it features local dancers. The piece of art captures bodies in motion.

“And the interesting shapes and relationships that creates, especially when multiple humans are interacting with each other,” White said.

Downtown mural

But that it not the only way this piece of work comes to life.

White teamed with Google Fiber, who developed an augmented reality application.

When you see it on a smart phone, the mural becomes three dimensional.

“The dancers are now distinct from the wall,” Alan Mitchell, with Google Fiber explains. “You want to walk up to the dancers. That’s where it gets really stunning.”

The augmented reality mural is a first for Google, a new frontier for art and it is in downtown Raleigh.

“I’m proud of it. I think this is one of my best pieces,” White said.

Google Fiber offered a demo of the augmented reality app downtown on Sunday, but it will soon be available on the Google Play Store.