Tech on Tap: LabCorp pathology innovation, coding and online safety for kids, and taking time off work in the age of technology

Laney, Laura and Michael talk about the top stories on, starting with pathology innovations that will help clients get their test results back faster; a Chapel Hill company’s innovation in freeze dried food is going national; and the team looks at kids and coding, and the issues that arise with children online.

After talking about where the North Carolina economy ranks against the rest of the country, Laney, Michael and Laura deal with the slow news cycle surrounding Amazon Watch 2018 and the concerns that the local business community has with the potential influx of these major tech companies.

Leigh Kathryn Bonner, the CEO of Bee Downtown, is our Tech on Tap Conversation, and talks with Laura about the origins of her company and what she has learned about leadership from watching bees.

At the end, the team talks about if we are ever really “off” in the age of technology and how they each navigate those pitfalls.